Leadership development at its best!

Marshall Goldsmith is being heralded by Harvard Business School as the best executive coach in the world for leadership development and at Quadrant 1 International we are delighted to number amongst the few UK coaches to be accredited as Stakeholder Centred coaches under the Marshall Goldsmith scheme.
Why Stakeholder Centred Coaching?
Leadership development is traditionally conducted via attendance on a programme or via an executive coach. Both methods have their merits and stakeholder centred coaching adds valuable dynamics.
- Who is best placed to provide real and productive comment on the leader’s behaviour? The stakeholders
- Results are measurable
- The system focuses on future behaviour not past
- Time and cost efficient
- Stakeholders become an integral part of the process thus adding real value and support
- Leaders are in a position to change their own behaviour and the perception of stakeholders at the same time
- Relationships improve, silos break down and teams become stronger.
Who is it for?
Leaders by definition have already experienced success and will have formed strong beliefs about their ability to continue to succeed. Stakeholder Centred Coaching builds on this belief system – it requires the leader to have the humility, courage and discipline to make the changes being suggested. It is not for leaders who believe they know it all and have no interest in improving. It is for leaders who are valuable to your organisation, for whom further and deeper insights into leadership skills will add significantly to the ethos, culture and bottom line.
How long is the programme?
Ideally the leader commits to a year-long programme consisting of a monthly session with the coach and short (approximately 5 minutes) monthly sessions with each stakeholder. From this monthly plans are developed and action undertaken by the leader. Measurements of progress are taken after months 5 and 11.
Why Stakeholder Coaching for Quadrant 1?
At Quadrant 1 International we feel that the combination of Stakeholder Centred Coaching, NLP and Harrison Assessments together form one of the most powerful and effective leadership approaches on the market today.