Real Presentation Skills with NLP


Giving a presentation whether it’s to a group of buyers, your team, The Board or to the whole organisation is an opportunity for you to excel and show what you are made of. It is your ‘Golden Opportunity’ to communicate a message, gain support for what you have to say and stand out from the crowd.

This two day presentation skills course is designed to take you beyond PowerPoint to a place where you can establish a reputation as an interesting and vibrant presenter. You will learn:

  • The Art of Influencing Groups
  • Understanding and utilising a number of NLP techniques will help you make engaging presentations which will result in real action from your audience whether it’s an audience of 1 or 100.
  • How to use powerful language patterns, build visual and auditory elements into your presentation, use story and metaphor to make a point elegantly, use professional stage anchoring and interact effectively with your audience.
  • How to do this in an engaging and confident way paying attention to the pace, tone and pitch of your voice.

The ideal number of participants for this course is 6.  Participants are asked to bring along a presentation they have either given recently or are about to give in a format of their choice this ensures that the course can be tailored to the individual needs of every person attending.

If you would like to discuss a course designed around the needs of your organisation please call 07768 922244 or contact us online.


Download Presentation Skills White Paper

Free Download: NLP Presentation Skills White Paper

Included in this white paper are some key points to remember when preparing for and delivering an effective and engaging presentation, including:

  • Common mistakes made through the use of and reliance on PowerPoint
  • Cascading presentations through the organisation – a word of warning!
  • 3 top tips to ‘remember’ about your audience
  • An insight into advanced presentation skills to truly engage your audience